Marking Schemes

Assessments are marked using the University of Edinburgh’s Common Marking Scale and School Marking Criteria. It is important that you refer to these documents on a regular basis so that you understand what tutors are looking for when they assess your work and the standards which you should be aiming for.

Class participation has a similar marking scheme and further details of how this component is assessed can be found in the Class Participation section within the Study Resources area in your Course Guide.

Any specific expectations to be considered when preparing your work will be included in Assessment Brief or Course Guides where your component tasks are explained in full details.

The University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Common Marking Scheme

Mark % Grade Descriptor
90-100 A1 An excellent performance, satisfactory for a distinction
80-89 A2 An excellent performance, satisfactory for a distinction
70-79 A3 An excellent performance, satisfactory for a distinction
60-69 B A very good performance
50-59 C A good performance, satisfactory for a Masters degree
40-49 D A satisfactory performance for the diploma, but inadequate for a Masters degree
30-39 E Marginal fail
20-29 F Clear fail
10-19 G Bad fail
0-9 H Bad fail


The Edinburgh Law School Extended Marking Scheme



Grade Descriptor
90-100 A1 Work in the A1 category will be outstanding. It will exhibit all the criteria noted in respect of an A grade generally, but will exhibit an exceptionally high degree of creativity, critical insight and analytical rigour. While the work will be exemplary, the markers will bear in mind that it has been produced within the confines of an assessment format and it will not be assessed by reference to whether the work is publishable.
80-89 A2 Work in the A2 category will meet all of the criteria noted in respect of an A grade generally, while exhibiting a high degree of creativity, critical insight and analytical rigour.
70-79 A3 For a mark of 70% or above, a candidate should show substantial knowledge and critical understanding of the primary sources (where relevant) and a thorough and critical understanding of the secondary sources. The work will demonstrate an ability to synthesise and evaluate critically the source material. It will be fully and properly referenced and concisely and clearly written without significant flaws in expression. The propositions advanced will be fully supported either by argument or citations, as appropriate. The methodology should be appropriate and properly defended (where relevant).
60-69 B For a mark of 60-69%, a candidate should show substantial knowledge and understanding of the primary sources (where relevant) and an understanding of the secondary sources. The work as a whole should be reasonably concise and have a structure that is clear and coherent. It will be fully referenced, with at most minor deficiencies in referencing, and demonstrate competence in critical analysis. There may be minor deficiencies in expression. The propositions advanced will, in most respects, be supported either by argument or citation, as appropriate.

The methodology should be properly defended (where relevant).

50-59 C For a mark of 50-59%, a candidate should show adequate knowledge of primary sources (where relevant) and some knowledge of secondary sources. The work, while structured, may be deficient in logical organisation. Some relevant issues may be omitted or insufficiently developed, and there may be some deficiencies in expression.

Work at this level will be referenced so as to allow proper identification of the source material relied upon, and will demonstrate some ability to engage in critical analysis. Unsupported assertions may be in evidence at this level but will be limited in their extent. The methodology should be properly defended (where relevant).

40-49 D Marks of 40-49% (inadequate for the masters degree) will be awarded to work which shows some knowledge of primary sources (where relevant) and of secondary sources with some supporting argument and engagement with those sources. The organisation may be poorly suited to facilitate the argument and the writing poor. Arguments may be superficial and badly constructed. The methodology may be imperfect and lack a proper defence (where relevant).

The writing may be clumsy and references inadequate, and there may be a tendency to irrelevance and/ or some degree of factual inaccuracy.

30-39 E, F, G, H Work which receives a fail mark will have displayed most of the following characteristics: inadequate knowledge of source materials; superficiality; poor or no structure; weak argumentation; unsound or unclear methodology; poor writing and referencing.

It is likely that work at this level will demonstrate either factual inaccuracy and/or irrelevance to a significant extent. Numerical marks are awarded within the range 39-0% at the discretion of the examiners.