Components of Assessment and Exams
Assessment Components
Law School courses use a range of assessment formats, including essays, reports, oral presentation, class participation and exams. These assessments are designed to help you develop writing, analytical, and legal research skills that will be essential in professional life after completion of your degree. Details of your courses components of assessment can be found in your Course Guide.
Masters PG level courses are not assessed through written exam.
Assessment Deadlines
It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the assessment methods and published assessment deadlines for your courses, including examination times and locations. Assessment deadlines are published in course handbooks and information about submission methods for coursework are published on the course Learn site. It is important that you familiarise yourself with the requirements for each course early in the semester, and if you have any questions please ask the Course Organiser or Course Administrator (contact details available on Learn) at the earliest opportunity.
The Examination Timetable is published via the Exams Office Website, and it is essential that you check the timetable for the location and timing of examinations. The publication dates for the timetables are still to be confirmed. Visit the Exams Website.
If you find a clash in your Examination Timetable, you must contact the Examinations Office via your Teaching Office contacts as soon as possible so that we can investigate alternative arrangements.
Find the date, time and location of published exams
Availability for Assessment During Semester
As components of assessment may be scheduled at any time during the semester, it is your responsibility to be available throughout the semester. For written exams this is including the whole of the revision period, examination diet and the resit diet. Examinations will not be scheduled during winter or spring vacations.