City Internships – Summer 2022

Given the prevailing conditions we anticipate unusually high interest this academic season.

Those interested – particularly in our more popular London, New York, and Los Angeles programs – are advised to apply sooner than later.

Program changes for 2021/22

For 2021/22, all program varieties now include:

– A summer/semester-length placement with a leading employer in the student’s chosen field;

– Full 12-unit Career Navigator readiness course & 12-unit Future Leaders commercial skills course, and;

– A complement of on-the-ground coaches & mentors, and calendar of social, cultural & travel events.

(The full CN/FL courses were previously exclusive to the summer, in-person, cohort-based ‘Global Accelerator Program’. Given their observed impact on early-career outcomes, however, they are now integral to our semester-length ‘Explorer’ and ‘Remote’ programs also.)

Academic partnerships in 2021/22

Together with leading colleges and universities, CI creates globally engaged, career-ready graduates.

We provide outcomes-focused experiential education programs, which combine work-based practical training, class-based seminars and workshops, and on-the-ground coaching.

CI alumni secure graduate-level employment 3x more quickly and starting salaries 30% higher than their graduating peers.

After a 24-month freeze on new academic partnership requests, we will be inviting new requests later this month. Details to follow.