Law Leaders and Student Legal Placements
The Edinburgh Award is distinct to the University of Edinburgh and has been developed to encourage and more formally recognise student achievement and learning from outside the formal curriculum.
- The Award recognises students who take part in non-academic activities while studying at the University. It also encourages students to reflect on, and develop, the skills that can be gained through taking part in activities outwith their degree.
- The experience of taking part in these activities combined with the ability to reflect on and actively develop your skills will stand you in good stead for the future, whatever that may be.
Students who successfully complete the Edinburgh Award will be invited to an exclusive end-of-Award event and will receive both a certificate of recognition from the University and an entry on their Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR – an expanded record of your achievements within the University).
The School of Law will be running two versions of the Award in 2021/22.
The first is the Student Legal Placements scheme and the second, the Student Law Leaders scheme.
Any student, currently undertaking extra-curricular legal work and in 3rd year, a Graduate LLB student, or above, may apply for entry to the Student Legal Placement scheme.
For Diploma student purposes, any student undertaking current legal placements by the time the Award sessions start, whether it be paid or otherwise, in a charity or firm, can apply to complete this Award.
Any student currently holding a position on a council, committee or society within the School of Law may apply to take part in the Law Leaders scheme.
Rebecca Samaras, Director of Pro Bono and Clinical Legal Education, shall be the organiser for both these Edinburgh Award versions. If you wish to join either of the Awards, please email Clare Anderson at: by 12 noon on Thursday 28th October 2021 and she will be in touch with details about the first of three mandatory sessions which will take place in November.
Further information can be found at:
Session Dates and Locations
Session 1:
- Tuesday 16 Nov 5.15 – 6.45pm in 40GS_LG.08
- Wednesday 17 Nov 2021 5.15 – 6.45pm in PL_1.19
Session 2:
- Tuesday 25 Jan 5.15 – 6.45pm Location TBC
- Wed 26 Jan 5.15 – 6.45pm Location TBC
Session 3:
- Tues 8 Mar 5.15 – 6.45pm Location TBC
- Wed 9 Mar 5.15 – 6.45pm Location TBC
Please confirm which date you can attend via this Doodle Poll.