Law Society Men’s Football Team
If you are interested in playing football at a high level, as well as socialising with other law students, then we’d love to have you! All ages and years are welcome.
The Law Society’s Men’s Football Team currently play in a BUCS League playing competitively against other University teams across Scotland. All fixtures are played on a Wednesday afternoon out with your timetable to avoid clashing with academic commitments.
Not only does joining the team allow students to maintain playing a high standard of football, but also provides a great opportunity to meet and socialise with other people from your course and from different years. Whether it be attending Law Society social events such as Law Ball or ‘Beerierenteering’ or just watching the football at the pub, we are an extremely tight-knit group of friends with many citing it as one of the best things they have done at university.
Trials will be held on Pitch 3G2 at 3pm on Wednesday 22nd September at Peffermill Playing Fields. There will be an additional trial/training session on Saturday 25th at 2pm for anyone who cannot attend on Wednesday. If you plan on attending or have any queries or questions please contact either of the Captains through the information below. If you arrive having not contacted us beforehand, we may have to turn you away. We look forward to seeing you along!
Alex Dalziel – 07873776952 or
Jamie Hadden – 07495870458 or