Anglo-German Law Journal: Call for Papers
The Anglo-German Law Journal is looking for authors.
The Anglo-German Law Journal is published by the Anglo-German Law Society. It was founded in 2002 as part of the Anglo-German Law course at King’s College London and aims to enhance Anglo-German law relations. Since 2006, it is an official Verein in Germany and organises career as well as academic events for its members and people who are interested in Anglo-German relations. As part of this goal, the Anglo-German Law Journal shall further intensify and enhance the exchange between common and civil law across Europe.
The academic articles should focus on topics regarding Anglo-German law issues. I.e. authors may explain a certain unique element of “their” legal system and compare it to “the other” system. Furthermore, they can point out a current problem of one system and compare it to the other in order to inform other jurists about current developments. Articles dealing with EU law as well as case notes are also welcome.
Find our past issues at and at HeinOnline.
Articles may be submitted in English as well as German. This offers a unique opportunity of communication and cultural exchange.
Why become an author?
As an Anglo-German law author, you are offered the opportunity to make your opinion heard. The journal also gives you the opportunity to publish an article on your Bachelor, LLM/Master or PhD thesis. Thus, you get the chance to make your work know to a greater audience. You will also be awarded 30€ upon successful publication.
Quality management
Your articles will be subject to a peer review to maintain a high quality of works for the journal. The peer panel consists of professors and jurists from European countries. Thus, you as an author can be sure that your article will be published at the highest standards.
We are always looking for new members on the peer review panel. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you’re interested.
The journal will be available as print and online versions. We will give print versions to our partners and hand out the journal at our events. Furthermore, print versions are sent to many universities in the UK and Germany. Thus, your work will be made available to a great audience.
The next volume shall be published in October 2021.
Submission Deadline:
05. September 2021
Please submit your article via this link:
We now ask you for your help to make the journal a success! Take a shot and submit your articles! Need inspiration for an article or a case note? Don’t hesitate to contact us at!