Upcoming Events from the Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Society

(1) Media Discussion Group: Thursday 4th March @ 6.30pm 

  • This event is an opportunity to engage with some interesting material relating to criminal justice issues, and then have a chat about the matter.
  • For the event we have chosen to focus on criminal defence lawyer Iain Smith’s podcast on trauma awareness.
  • This is an issue gaining prominence in the legal world and beyond, and our discussion will hopefully deepen your understanding and appreciation of this important matter.
  • The link to the event is below and keep an eye on our social media pages for more information about the event, including the questions we plan to discuss about the podcast so you can come ready to join in with the discussion!
  • https://www.facebook.com/events/895320031271166

Causes event by The University of Edinburgh Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Society on Thursday, March 4 2021

(2) Meet the author Chris Daw QC of “Justice on Trial” and get the chance to in a signed copy of his book 

  • In his excellent book Justice on Trial, Chris Daw QC draws on his fascinating experiences in criminal law spanning 25 years and presents a radical set of solutions for crime and punishment.
  • You can be in the chance of winning a signed copy of his book by coming along to our event where Chris will be discussing his book. The best question asked at the event will be the lucky recipient of the signed copy, so come along and get involved.
  • Provisional date for the event is Friday 26th March (TBC) so keep an eye on our social media pages for confirmation and how to sign up!