Call for Applications – Paul Guggenheim Prize 2021

Paul Guggenheim Prize 2021

Call for Applications


The Paul Guggenheim Prize 2021, amounting to CHF 15’000, will be awarded to a monograph on an important theme in the field of public international law (except European law). The monograph must be of the highest quality and be the work of a young author at the beginning of his/her career. Works submitted may be in the form of published books or of manuscripts intended for publication; they may be written in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. Works which have already been awarded a prize of a similar nature will not be considered.

Applicants are requested to send to the Paul Guggenheim Foundation their submission consisting of the following items:

  • letter of application
  • curriculum vitae
  • list of publications
  • four copies of the work

Applicants must specify whether the monograph submitted has already been awarded one or several prizes.

The closing date for the reception of submissions is 20 May 2021.

For any further information, please contact :


Applications are to be sent to:

Fondation Paul Guggenheim
chemin Eugène-Rigot 2
C.P. 1672
CH – 1211 Genève 1