UCL Undergraduate Private Law Conference
We are a group of undergraduate UCL students organising our inaugural Undergraduate Private Law Conference, which aims to give undergraduate students the opportunity to present on the private law subject of their choice.
We wish to facilitate the sharing of ideas between students, academics and practitioners alike, providing a unique opportunity to engage in thoughtful discussion on law. The conference is an excellent introduction to academia – it is more comprehensive than an essay, whilst being simpler than a publication. Moreover, it provides an exciting opportunity to test your ideas with your peers, and acquire meaningful feedback from practising lawyers and academics.
This conference is to take place on the 21 April 2021, 5pm to 9pm on Zoom and will consist of talks led by students, academics and lawyers.
Student speakers will be selected based on a 300-word abstract on a private law topic of their choice. A non-exhaustive list of research interests could include laws on – contract, tort, unjust enrichment, property and equity. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to give a presentation on their chosen topic, alongside academics and practising lawyers. The deadline for submissions is midnight on 22nd February 2021.
We welcome applications from all enthusiastic undergraduates (law and non-law) to share their research and ideas about private law topics that interest them. If successful, our team will liaise with applicants to discuss their research at greater depth. They will then have the opportunity to present those findings at our conference in April. Each presentation will last for 10-15 minutes and there will be a 5-minute Q&A session following each presentation.
Two prizes will be awarded to students with the best presentation, as judged by our panel of keynote speakers.
1st Prize: £100
2nd Prize: £50
Interested applicants should follow the Google Form link below.
For further information, we can be reached through the following email address : privatelawconference@gmail.com
For further details and updates on our event, we invite students to follow our social media pages:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCLUndergraduatePrivateLawConference
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ucl-undergraduate-private-law-conference
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uclprivatelawconference/