Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Society

I would like to bring to your attention the creation of the University’s Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Society and give you some more information about the society.  

We are a group led by students who are passionate about providing university-wide opportunities to all students interested in exploring all aspects of criminal law and justice. Among our goals, we seek to provide useful information about both legal and non-legal careers as well as regular discussion of current topics of interest with guest speakers. We are also going to be putting on a number of fun social events for all our members, that might feature a slight criminal theme here and there!  

Membership for the society is only £1.50 and can be purchased from the EUSA society page with the link below.  

If you are interested in getting involved in the society and the fantastic events we have planned, our social media pages are included below where we will be promoting all our events coming up. Our first event is a pub quiz being held via zoom on Thursday 28th January at 7pm, visit our Facebook page to sign up if you’re interested, everyone is welcome, and membership is not required to participate. 

Facebook: The University of Edinburgh Criminal Law Society  

Instagram: uofecrimsoc 

As the society’s undergraduate liaison officer, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or inquiries you may have about the society. 


Best wishes, 

Leanne Donald  

Undergraduate Liaison Officer