Pro Bono Society Event: Wednesday 4th November

Please join the Pro Bono Society for this Wednesday’s launch event for Pro Bono Week UK 2020 with the virtual viewing of the “For Sama” to raise funds for Indigo Volunteers on Wed, 4 Nov via Teams at 1:30 pm.

Please click here to register via Eventbrite to attend the event.

We will be streaming the documentary via Microsoft Teams. You will be invited to join a Team before the event date. Please make sure you can access Teams through your University of Edinburgh email address and that you are using the same email address to register for your ticket on Eventbrite.

We are asking for donations for Indigo Volunteers for those who attend, and for those who cannot attend but want to support this amazing organisation in supporting volunteers promote access to justice across the globe. Share this donation link with friends and family to help us reach our donation goal!

Please click here to donate via our Golden Giving Page!

About “For Sama” and Indigo Volunteers:

“For Sama” is a documentary film surrounding the 5 year journey of filmmaker and journalist Waad al-Kateab and her daughter, Sama, during the Syrian Civil War. As one of the BAFTA”s most nominated feature documentary, “For Sama” has been said to be deeply moving and powerful. We are wanting to air this documentary to educate our members and ourselves, on the on-going Syrian Civil War and how devastating and impactful it is, whilst raising money for an organisation that helps provide volunteers to support these type of crises. Indigo Volunteers is a charity that assists with humanitarian projects, including the refugee crisis. As the Pro Bono Society aims at promoting access to justice, we are creating this fundraiser to help support Indigo Volunteers in their goal for providing volunteers to help assist in these crises across the globe.

We are wanting to promote this fundraiser with Indigo Volunteers with this primary launch event for Pro Bono Week UK 2020 with the documentary viewing, but we will be continuing to help raise money through other initiatives, such as an upcoming virtual baking challenge that will take place across our social media accounts.