Aspiring Solicitors Application Workshop
Date And Time
Wed, 4 Nov 2020, 17:00 GMT
Aspiring Solicitors is the UK’s leading D&I platform within law. It coaches, mentors and provides opportunities for hundreds of diverse candidates each year to acquire training contracts.
Join representatives from AS on the evening of 04th November for an interactive, audience-led workshop aimed at providing advice, guidance and support for you as you embark on applications for vacation schemes and training contracts this year.
This Applications Talk ensures real, tangible and practical advice on the application process, what it takes to succeed, as well as key learnings from those who have undergone the process and been successful.
Advice will center around:
1 – presenting yourself as the ideal candidate.
2 – capitalising on your unique strengths and experiences.
3 – providing specific advice (which is not too vague!)
This event will take place over Zoom Meetings and will be an interactive session in which you will drive conversation, polls and opinions.
Register here: