Sentencing Academy Fellowship Scheme
The Sentencing Academy is pleased to introduce its Fellowship Scheme aimed at encouraging people from disadvantaged and/or under-represented backgrounds intending to pursue a career in the field of criminal justice (for example, in research, policy, practice, the third sector or a criminal justice profession). Sentencing Academy Fellows will be supervised to produce a 5,000 word piece of research into an aspect of sentencing in England and Wales. A bursary of £1,500 will be awarded to each Fellow. There are two Fellowships on offer for the 2020-21 academic year.
To be eligible for the scheme, applicants must be in either the final year of an undergraduate degree course or studying for a taught postgraduate qualification (either an academic course or working towards a professional practice qualification) and have a demonstrable commitment to working in the field of criminal justice.
Additionally, they must have attended a state secondary school and satisfy one of the following criteria:
• Eligible for free school meals at some stage during secondary school; or
• First generation of immediate family to go to university; or
• Have been a looked after child at some stage during childhood.
The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 16 October 2020.
For further details about the Sentencing Academy Fellowship Scheme and details about how to apply, please see the FAQs below: