‘Career outside a big firm’ roadshow for 3rd/4th year LLB or Diploma student
5.30-7.30pm, Thursday 27 February 2020
Law Society of Scotland, Atria One, 144 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8EX
Are you an 3rd/4th year LLB or Diploma student and keen to find out about working in-house or for a high street firm? We know your law fair isn’t always the best place to do this, so we’re bringing employers to you for a separate event. We’ll be focusing on how to find opportunities in-house or in small firms, as well as exploring what career progression looks like in these environments.
Representatives (including trainees and qualified solicitors) from high street firms and in-house organisations will feature in a chaired Q&A session to answers questions like:
- What do high street employers look for in candidates?
- What’s the best way to approach a high street employer?
- Do speculative applications actually work?
- What does a traineeship in-house look like?
- Where can you find out about in-house employers?
This is a free event and all students can register now via our website: https://www.lawscot.org.uk/news-and-events/events/lawscot-student-roadshow-2020-edinburgh/