Postgrad Live – 25th February
Dear all,
We are hosting again Postgrad LIVE on Tuesday 25th February at McEwan Hall 12-3pm. This is a great opportunity for students to find out more about postgraduate study (PGT or PGR). There will be over 20 different universities in attendance, including ourselves, and a talks programme – details can be found here –
This event has been very popular with current students previously and it would be great if you could promote it to current undergraduates and postgraduates.
In the folder below are plasma screen images, website images, newsletter image, social media video and text to support anything you put out. If you need anything else in a different size please let me know.
Any questions, please do let me know.
Best wishes
Liz McNicol (nee Dobson-McKittrick) | Postgraduate Recruitment Manager (Projects & Events)